How can we help you ?

Most Frequently Asked Questions

What programming language is your server-side coding based on?
Micro-services - which represent the embodiments of website's business logic - are technology agnostic and can be written using any technology of your own choice. Micro-services exchange data with platform's assembly pipeline via XML structures which are formalized with XSD.
Does SiteSuite offer uninhibited client-side and server-side code development?
Yes. There are absolutely no restrictions for the frontend packages or frameworks - freely use any JS or CSS libraries that you find a best fit for your project.
Is SiteSuite truly infinitely on-demand scalable?
Yes. Absolutely no action is required on anyone's part when your website needs to respond to the growth in traffic. Your website will draw the necessary volume of the subscribed-to services as it requires to operate effectively. Steady, predictable performance, superb reliability.
How are you able to ensure such stunning speed of websites built and hosted on your platform?
The answer lies in our unique patented web assembly methodology which ensures cacheability of ALL website's pages on the file level in the document repositories on the disk. Best part - it's all automatic, you don't have to do anything at all, we take care of everything end-to-end from assembly and publishing to final delivery
Can I register new domains in SiteSuite? Can I transfer existing domains?
Yes, you can do both. The process is simple and hassle-free.
What exactly is your development environment comprised of?
The development console provides tools and methods to develop the view part (using the MVC nomenclature) of the website's coding, manage object and content schemas, website's URLs and their disposition, micro-service orchestration scripts and coordinate the publishing activity. Service registry allows to register, acquire and configure micro-services. Website admin provides the ability to manage content for a non-technical operator and features our crown jewel - WYSIWYG in-context content editing tool.
What is your choice for markup language/template engine? Do you use your own proprietary or have you adopted an existing product?
SiteSuite utilizes Twig for its many advantages. The syntax is easy to learn and intuitive and it supports defining our own custom tags and filters. Twig supports multiple inheritance as an extremely potent method for templating webpages.
Is SiteSuite's WYSIWYG in-context content editor really that good? Can it be applied to any webpage I build on your platform?
Yes, it's a watershed achievement. Not only does it support all rudimentary content editing features that everyone expects to find in products that belong in this family, it takes it to entirely new level. And unlike in any other product it's you - the programmer - that define the exact scope of areas on the webpage where editing is permitted.
Can your website admin application be freely and easily extended?
Website admin application was created with the backing of a modular AngularJS-based architecture and each subpart of that model can be easily reconfigured or rewritten.
How different are SiteSuite's web abstractions from plugin Wordpress uses or Drupal's modules?
They perform the same role - incorporating certain pre-fabricated common web functionalities into your website. However, our web abstractions are designed better and smarter - they're small interoperable stackable agile building blocks and will never adversely affect your creative freedom
Does SiteSuite offer stage environment out of the box?
Yes, it is automatically provided as part of the platform. Separate from the base (development) and production environments.